AFTER two years, extensive public consultation and much debate (for and against) the long-awaited revised Parliamentary boundaries are now being implemented around the country. The current boundaries have been in place since 2010.
One new constituency has been created in Cambridgeshire, based on St Neots. As a result, the boundaries of the existing seven constituencies have been re-drawn including North West Cambridgeshire where four Huntingdonshire District Council wards (Sawtry, Somersham, Warboys and Holywell-cum-Needingworth) comprising approximately 20,000 electors, will move into a new Huntingdon constituency, which is itself going through major change.
At the same time, North West Cambridgeshire gains two small pieces of geography from Peterborough constituency, where until now two wards have been split across the two. Further information on the changes can be found in the House of Commons Library.
New Associations are now required to be established, aligned to the new boundaries. Known as 'vesting' this process, mandated by the national Party, has begun with the formation of a North West Cambridgeshire Conservative Association (NWCCA) Shadow Executive Council, which met for the first time a few days ago (August 14th) via Zoom.
Overseen by Party area council chairman Douglas Hansen-Luke, the primary purpose was to elect from within its number, a Shadow Chairman (Steve Corney), Shadow Deputy Chairman - Political (Andrew Willey) and Shadow Deputy Chairman - Membership/Fundraising (Kev Gulson). These three positions will go forward for ratification at the upcoming Special General Meeting (SGM) of the new constituency membership. Notice of SGM will be sent out shortly to those eligible to attend. The task of the Shadow officers is to make the necessary arrangements to properly close the 'old' NWCCA and ensure the establishment of the 'new' NWCCA is completed smoothly and in compliance with Party rules.
Existing members will be transferred automatically to their new constituency on September 20th. This means all NWCCA members living in the four HDC wards mentioned above will become members of Huntingdon Constituency Conservative Association (HCCA) on that date. Those who wish to remain with North West Cambridgeshire, including those who reside elsewhere, can request to be moved back (details to be confirmed). Please email or call the office prior to that date and we will add your name to the list... we would hate to lose any of you!
"We thank all our members for their support over many years and wish them well in their new home," said Association outgoing chairman Graham Bull. "The purpose of the boundary review was to ensure all constituencies comprise a similar number of electors while respecting local ties between areas. As North West Cambridgeshire was one of the largest in the country, with 96,000 electors, major change was inevitable. We were delighted the original Boundary Commission for England proposals have been approved, thanks in no small part to our members and constituents who made their views known as part of the consultation process."